Today I've found an interesting question in my G+ stream. Pete Cashmore from Mashable asked what Google+ does better than other social networks?
The versatility of the answer is amazing, from the stream, through uploading gifs, Hangouts, privacy control, meeting new people to "everything".
There were a lot of emotions in answers. It seems that there is a community of people that have a very negative opinion on Facebook, for various reasons, loaded with emotions that cause them to see in Google+ something that it isn't, yet.The versatility of the answer is amazing, from the stream, through uploading gifs, Hangouts, privacy control, meeting new people to "everything".
In my opinion, the greatest advantage of G+ is the Google philosophy. Allow me to paraphrase it in the following way: if you don't come to us, we will come to you! Hangouts are already on YouTube. Public shared material on G+ is already a part of Google search results. It will continue in this manner, that's what Google always do. Google content and services are everywhere, they are distributed all over the web. Facebook understands it, therefore it invested a lot of effort in Facebook Connect, but Google is still way ahead.
So, Mr. Cashmore, the potential distribution is the answer I'm betting on.
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