Monday, September 5, 2011

Social Media Expert?

The holidays are over and here we are, Social Media Experts, coming back to conquer communities with our clients' products.

Unfortunately, some of our clients dare to ask questions like "what qualifies us to do the social media marketing for them?",  "What we know, that they don't?".
Here is an example. You are about to watch a homemade video on social media experts. Warning - it is not flattering! On the other hand, it is genuine. Enjoy!


What surprised me is the amount of similar videos found on YouTube. There are tens of those. The makers are owners of small businesses that do understand the importance of presence on social media. They spend their precious time making these videos and sending us a message.

How did we earn this kind of reputation? How can we cope with this attitude? Can we cope with it at all?

I'm feeling a little bit lucky here, because I have a strong technical background. I'm an R&D guy who loves and tends to understand social media. Hence, technical skills may help to distinguish yourself from heavy Facebook users who like, post, make friendships, use applications, and in one word - live in the social networks environment.

One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is the expert - client cooperation. I always explain to my clients that Facebook is just another stage for their products. Social media marketing is just another tool that must fit in the company marketing strategy. We are not there to invent products, neither to brand them or think about special offers or giveaways. Our job is to reach the audience that is unavailable to the client in other way.

In my opinion, the critical approach above derives from the lack of understanding of the scope of work by the social media expert himself. When the scope is defined, it is much easier to present your advantages to potential clients and to convince them that you are the one who deserves to get the job.

What do you think about it? What are your advantages (show off, please, you have an opportunity to promote yourself here)? Why are you a Social Media Expert?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion, the critical approach above derives from the lack of understanding of the scope of work by the social media expert himself.

    Digital media and marketing company
