Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Google+ Does Better Than Other Social Networks

Today I've found an interesting question in my G+ stream. Pete Cashmore from Mashable asked what Google+ does better than other social networks?
The versatility of the answer is amazing, from the stream, through uploading gifs, Hangouts, privacy control, meeting new people to "everything".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

LinkedIn Ads Platform Review

If you have a business that provides services to other business, you will find that advertising on facebook isn't so simple for you. You will create a campaign and an ad, which is the fun part of advertising. When you get to the targeting, you'll find a problem. Let's assume that your main target is small businesses in your country. How can you filter such group of people in facebook? If you want, for example, restaurant owners to see your advertisement, it's not enough to state "restaurant" or "food" as an interest. It will bring your message to the people that eat in restaurants and only few of them will be the restaurant owners.

So, you have to be creative and try to think about other B2B services that may be present in facebook.

Monday, August 15, 2011

On Riots and Social Networks

When the UK authorities found out that the protestors have used social networks to organize themselves, the question whether to monitor those telecommunication channels or not has risen. It reminded me of the good old logic question:
Merry's father has five daughters: Nana, Nena, Nina, Nona. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Friday, August 12, 2011

If Google had to get an investment for Google+

Notice: DF's Social Corner is the official blog of Yedalab. Please follow Yedalab on facebook

Today I've found on Google+ lot of excitement - a small group of users got the chance to try Google+ Games!
The reactions are mixed - from "oh, no, that's why I've left facebook" to "it's great, don't worry, there will be a separate stream for games and it won't bother if you don't like social gaming".
Anyway, the feeling that Google aims to build facebook+ got even stronger than it was before.

Friday, August 5, 2011

When your application meets the news feed

After we've been talking about good posting in How helpful is good posting in increasing the number of fans? post, let's take a look on the new statistics section in the application insights, which was added recently by facebook.

News Feed

The news feed section provides you an important information about your application's posts.
The following statistics are available:

Monday, August 1, 2011

3 observations on Google+ buzz

Google+ is with us a little bit more than one month, but it feels like forever. One of the reasons is over 10M blog pages talking about it.
After the initial excitement, I would like to share with you 3 more rational observations.